What is the consumption method for Zenso Advance and Zenso Lite?

Zenso Advance:Breakfast: 1 sachet KuroMizu and 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. You may have a mini meal as your morning tea snack.Lunch: 1 tablet of KuroOiru and KuroShuga each and 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. You may have a mini meal as your evening tea snack.Dinner: 1 tablet of KuroOiru and KuroShuga each and 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. Zenso Lite: Breakfast: 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. You may have a mini meal as your morning tea snack.Lunch: 2 tablets of KuroOiru and KuroShuga each with a normal meal. You may have a mini meal as your evening tea snack.Dinner: 2 scoops of KuroDaitto. Please refer to the Zenso Dietary Guideline for your mini meals and normal meals.